
  • Г. С. Косарєва Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили, Україна


The article is devoted to the specifics of literary-critical reflections of Bohdan Boychuk, a Ukrainian novelist, a translator, a literary critic and a member of the New-York group. In the collection of selected articles "Why am I talking about it: theatre, ballet, literature" (2017) the concept "meta-art" is represented in the interdisciplinary spectrum. The artist reveals his research interest through the prism of theatrical and literary life in Ukraine and in the world. This interest is connected with the possibility of creation of the emigrants‟ mutual space. Some of the examples are avant-garde theatre‟s thoughts about "the philosophy of life": "Live theatre" of Yezh Gratovsky, "Theatre of the sun" of Ariana Mnuchkin, the artistic concept of Lviv Theatre named after Les Kurbas and also the emotions left after the tour in the USA of The Ukrainian Theatre on Podil. The further analysis has shown that in this book B. Boychuk touches upon some urgent problems of Europeanization of the Ukrainian theatre life in the general context of cultural self-identification, historical and national identity and also in the aspect of the dialogue between Ukrainian and world literature. Among the artistic portraits created by the author are the portraits of Pavel Filipovych, Oleks Stefanovych, Eugene Malanyck, Bogdan Igor-Antonovych, Vasyl Barka. The book also includes the memories about Bohdan Rubchak, Yurii Tarnavskii, Emma Andrievska, and Patricia Kalinf which are essential for the context of New-York group artistic heritage. All in all, the author made an attempt to outline the integral concept of the final digest of B. Boychuk‟s articles as a meta-art ontologization of the diaspora atmosphere as "the community of memory"

Біографія автора

Г. С. Косарєва, Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили

канд. філол. наук,
доцент (б. в. з) кафедри української філології, теорії та історії літератури


